Saturday , 15 February 2025

Why F1StatBlog supports the new Racing Pride initiative

F1StatBlog and its contributors passionately support the Racing Pride initiative, and firmly believes that the movement is vital for tackling the stigma of LGBTQ+ within motorsport. The fantastic thing about motor racing is that it is inclusive for all – regardless of gender, race, disability, age, and of course, sexuality.

While progress has been made within motorsport over the last decades in promoting this inclusivity, it has simply not gone far enough. That is hopefully, in the case of LGBTQ+ stigma, until now. With Pride Month upon us, this is the perfect time to combat the issue of being accepted within motorsport if someone is LGBTQ+ head-on. That is not just regarding drivers. That goes for team members, media and even fans.

This is where Racing Pride, which has been started by Autosport Academy member and friend of two of F1StatBlog’s contributors Christopher Sharp, comes in. This is not a one-off campaign, but an initiative that aims to be around for as long as required to achieve its goals. The drivers, teams, media outlets and other industry members who throw their weight behind the initiative support these progressive views.

To believe that being a member of the LGBTQ+ community should prevent somebody from being heavily involved in motorsport is an archaic ideology. Unfortunately, some still believe that these views hold precedence to this day. This needs to be confronted.

That there needs to be Racing Pride at all highlights some of the bigger problems in the sporting world and to a certain degree the whole world over inclusivity. It is almost painfully ironic that in a sport that is about innovation and progression that so many beliefs within it still hark back decades or even centuries.

From a personal standpoint – this is a cause very close to friends of F1StatBlog, although not the sole reason it has chosen to support it. The primary reason is our shared belief that motorsport should be accessible to everybody, no matter who you are.

In honour of Pride Month, F1StatBlog has added a touch of colour to its logo on the website and to its Twitter handle. By supporting Racing Pride, hopefully, stigmas can be challenged and the way in which the motorsport community thinks of the LGBTQ+ community can change for the better.


You can find out more about Racing Pride at its Twitter – @RacingPrideUK.

About Craig Woollard

Motorsport historian and journalist Craig Woollard has had an unusual path to a career in motorsport. After graduating from the University of Essex with a degree in mathematics in 2013, he changed his career path immediately after discovering a talent for writing. After occasional freelance work in 2015 and 2016, he joined the Autosport Academy for 2017. In the same year, he became an archive digitiser at Motorsport Images - which is his full-time job to this date.

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